Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire

  1. Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire Tv Series

Politics drove me to dive face-first into Kiro’s balls on twitter today, and Sulcate immortalized that fact in the best way possible.

Today I crushed out 5,000+ words. It only took me all day and gave me a massive headache. However, that work included what I feel is one of the hottest tit-fuck scenes I’ve ever written, bar none. It’s all work on Kiro’s bimbo variant, and once I have at least three of the sex scenes together, I’ll lump a quick build together so you guys don’t get stuck in a content drought.

Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire

I also bring news that William has some new scenes racing toward the game courtesy of DrunkZombie. End5 has submitted some interesting code for a tool that allows for scenes to be written in CoC2-like parser code and ported in TiTS-text. Lighterfluid has been doing some similar experimental work in the engine itself to allow for CoC2-like logic checks to be built into the parser directly, and I have an amazing commission I managed to snag from MrPink during his stream today.

Oh, and I also finished designing my “Milk-Thief” encounter for Dhaal. Why a milk thief? It’ll make more sense when you guys know more about the natives…

Trials in Tainted Space takes the gloves off. We've gone from a planet to a galaxy, removing what little restrictions there were in regards to creature design. The first screen of Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS) is the character creation page with a selection of race options. Help me out or ask a question about the game project: Trials in Tainted Space Character Generator (NSFW) (at this point this is more like a nightmare/shitpost machine than a generator tbh) This particular inhabitant of the universe started their life as a genderless half-huskar, though chances are they look completely different now.

Trials In Tainted Space Foxfire Tv Series

The only reason I haven’t posted it is because he’s still finishing it up as I write this, though I think to make use of it in the art pack I’m going to have to have an option to give bimbo Kiro some Throbb down the line…