Trials In Tainted Space Rival

Significant OtherHarem of 2 Ausar Girls (Chydi & Kythi) and one Go'Rahn
LocationMhen'ga, New Texas, Tarkus, Poe A, Zheng Shi
Initial Lust15
Maximum Lust100
Lust Reset(s)0
  • 4Interactions
    • 4.2Combat


(Ex)-Personal bodyguard of Captain Steele's cousin and rival.

Trials in Tainted Space (Video Game). Around the ruins just outside hoping to get an advantage over the lynel who would never be able to maneuver in the space, but. Thought Tainted Space was just an area designated as super dangerous and nobody will give two licks if you go there. Kelly mentioned the general term in one of her talk options. Though, the areas that will be labeled Tainted Space will be 'Better watch out or you'll get modded by crazy mini bots!'

Dane's interactions vary throughout different parts of the main storyline: The first time Captain Steele meets Dane is during the encounters with cousin Jack/Jill on the planet Mhen'ga, where Steele has the option to face Dane in combat or wait for Jack/Jill to leave. New Halloween dungeon: Event Whorizon (appears while traveling in space). New Mindwash Visor Scenario: Nunnery Facefuck Massacre! Includes a bukkake’s worth of messy mouth-fucking! New rival encounter on Zheng Shi with his new bodyguard, Feruze! A TON of new Halloween-themed dreams. Poe A can now be revisited once a year for non-canon fun! RWBY: Trials In Tainted Space by DrGairyuki Fandoms: RWBY, Trials in Tainted Space (Video Game) Explicit; Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply; F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other; Work in Progress; 04 Aug 2019. Keyboard shortcuts for word.



Dane stands tall; he's nearly eight feet of powerful, corded muscle. His most obvious feature is his quartet of arms. Evidently, the ausar has turned to genetic modifications for his enhanced stature. His fur is so white it practically glows, and his ivory hair is tied back in short ponytail. His eyes are red too, marking him as an albino. In his upper arms, Dane wields a pair of electrified cutlasses, and in his lower ones, he's gripping a matched set of powder pistols. A lightweight set of high tech armor guards his chest and thighs.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Dane is pretty cocky when first met. He is also very loyal and obedient to his client, regardless of his opinion of them. If Steele defeats him, he doesn't hold a grudge, cheerfully acknowledging their strength upon subsequent encounters.

He is tremendously tough and courageous, fighting either Queen Taivra or one of her best warriors with his bare hands on Myrellion, and saving his client despite overwhelming odds. However, due to failing to prevent the Rival from being captured by literal cave-women whom had the intent of endlessly impregnating them or executing them, only to be saved by the Rival's mortal enemy, he has since had his contract terminated.


Dane's interactions vary throughout different parts of the main storyline:

  • The first time Captain Steele meets Dane is during the encounters with cousin Jack/Jill on the planet Mhen'ga, where Steele has the option to face Dane in combat or wait for Jack/Jill to leave.
  • If Steele has unlocked the coordinates to Tarkus, there is a 1/4 chance of seeing Dane in the Milk Barn on New Texas.
  • Steele meets Dane outside of Shekka's shop after the Stellar Tether mission in a brief conversation.
  • Steele will briefly see Dane and Jack/Jill imprisoned by Queen Taivra at her palace. Steele can choose to break him out during the combat events of either Queensguard or Taivra herself.
  • Steele will later encounter Dane in the Casino on the Recreation Deck in Zheng Shi. There, the player will have the option to either Punch him in the face or Greet him peacefully. Following the initial encounter, the player can talk to him or have sex with him.


The following are talk options for Dane on Zheng Shi:

  • TentacleD - Ask Dane about the rather unique penis he savaged you with on Mhen’ga.'
    • 'You need to have lost to Dane on Mhen'ga to discuss this topic.'
  • YourCuz - Ask Dane what it was like to work for your cousin. Your guess? Awful.'
  • Other Jobs - 'Go digging to see if he’s got any stories to share.'
  • Harem - 'Dane has made mention of having a harem in the past. You don’t see any girls here. Where are they?'
    • Requires the PC to have lost to Dane on Mhen'ga and discussed his Other Jobs.
  • His Start - 'How does a guy like Dane gets his start in the merc game?'
  • Return Blade - 'Give Dane back the shock blade you took from him after defeating him on Mhen’ga.'
    • Requires the PC to have won against Dane on Mhen'ga and currently possess the Shock Blade in their inventory.



When encountering Dane as a hostile on Mhen'ga, he is equipped with a Shock Blade, Hammer Pistol, and wears a Decent S. Because Dane's encounter here is considered a plot fight, it is impossible to flee from it.

His combat actions on Mhen'ga include:

  • Quad Strike - Swing twice, shoot twice. A combination of ranged and melee attacks.
  • Cross Slash - Melee attack that does heavy damage.
  • Four-Armed Grapple - A chance to grapple the opponent.
  • Crotch Smother - Lust attack that grapples the opponent and does moderate lust damage.
  • Lickitongue - Lust attack that does heavy lust damage and activates only during a grapple.

If Dane is broken free from his cage, he will become a combat partner in the battle with Taivra.

His combat actions for this fight include:

  • Four-Armed Grapple - He will attempt to grapple Taivra, forcing her to miss a turn.
  • Grip Spear Stab - Dane grabs a spear from a guard and stabs Taivra with it, dealing kinetic damage.
  • Pummel - A four-time attack with a chance of hitting Taivra for each attack, dealing kinetic damage.


When defeated in combat on Mhen'ga, Dane will drop 1200 Credits and his Shock Blade. He is worth 500 XP.


Losing to him on Mhen'ga will lead to a sex scene where Captain Steele gets fucked anally.

When visiting Poe A choosing the HorseSuit and choosing the options Horsecunt or Both will lead to a sex scene with Dane and Holiday.

On Zheng Shi players will have the option to Flirt with Dane. If you Flirt with him he will offer to have sex with you but only if you agree to be his Cumdump. The player can say No which leaves the option available in the future, or they can tell him that's a FatChance disabling sexual interactions. Dane will randomly fuck you in an automatic variable pool of ways similar to Sera, with certain scenes needing to be repeated to unlock new ones.

  • Suck Him Off - Gotta get familiar with the 'new' dongus.
    • Always first scene
    • No requirements
  • Tailjerk - Thirsty cunttails need big boy feeding!
    • Requires the PC to have a Cunt Snake for a tail that hasn't been fed in the last 5 days.
      • Automatically takes priority over other scenes after Sucking Him Off if the above requirements are reached.
        • After doing this scene twice, the day requirement is removed and all that is necessary is for the player to still have a parasitic tail. The scene will be added to the variable pool.
  • Cuntfuxx - Seated reverse cow-girl. Hands everywhere.'
    • Requires a vagina
      • Numerous variants based on Cup Size, tightness, and lactation.
  • Taurfuck - Dane guides TaurPC into a booth for a fuck. It's cramped, and he has to push you roughly up against a wall to make room. Rough, hot, and sweaty mating ensues.
    • Requires the PC to be a taur.


Aside from being encountered alongside the rival cousin for each pod retrieval, Dane does not have any related quests so far.


  • Prior to getting fired by your Cousin, Dane had a Massive prehensile Tentacle cock made from numerous average-sized Ausar cocks conjoined at their tips and bases. It stretched 9 feet long or about 2.743 meters. This meant that Dane was the most hung character in the entire game after Hyperporn Star Tank Kannon who has a cock 12 feet long or 3.6576 meters.
    • According to Dane, he got this cock from Xenogen Biotech as a reward for completing a hunt for a mod maker named Dr. Katswell or something. He is most likely referring to Dr. Haswell and his cat-eyes.
  • Dane currently has a very long knotted horse-cock.
  • If the player blows up Myrellion in Kara Quest 2: The Eye of the Beholder before recovering the Steele Tech Probe, Dane will email the coordinates to the next Probe after being fired by the Rival. During this scene, the player refers to Dane as Benedict Arnold. This is a reference to the American military officer of the same name who infamously defected to the British during the American Revolution and attempted to sabotage the American war effort.
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Trials In Tainted Space Rivals

Full nameFeruze Vraqquis
LocationZheng Shi
Initial Lust15
Maximum Lust100
Lust Reset(s)0


The current personal bodyguard of Captain Steele's cousin and rival post Myrellion probe.


Females of the shark-like suula are known for being the most imposing of their species, but Feruze is a particularly imposing specimen, broad-feathered wings and all. She stands more than eight feet tall and swells with curves enough to tempt a priest into heresy with a single look. She knows it too. The shark-girl smiles when your eyes slide along the glossy surface of her clinging suit, so diaphanous that the puffy swells of her half-turgid nips may as well be bared and presented for inspection. Though her garments expose her total femininity, this suula wears it as proudly as a sharpened blade. The electrode-studded ball on her tail crackles dangerously, and a half-dozen pistols of varying designs cling to her thighs on invisible, magnetic harnesses.

Not a woman to be trifled with.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Not much is known about Feruze aside from the fact that she is a Tech Specialist who was hired by the Rival after they fired Dane due to his incompetence and the fact that he 'Thought with his dick'. Feruze is supposed to have a massive libido as per members of her race but unlike many other members she is presumed to have greater amounts of self control. As such, your cousin hired her due to having better gear, a more combat oriented body, and a clause in her contract that deducts her pay every time her sex drive interferes with her work.


Feruze's interactions vary throughout different parts of the main storyline:

  • The first time Captain Steele meets Feruze is during the encounters with cousin Jack/Jill on the planet Zheng Shi in The scaffolds, where Steele has the option to face Feruze in combat or wait for Jack/Jill to leave with the probe.
    • If the player is on very good terms with the Rat's Raiders, there is an extra, hidden option, to summon all six members of the gang and have them easily overpowering Feruze and the Rival, forcing them to flee. Bear in mind that while you will be free to access whenever you want, you won't be able to fight or sex Feruze and earn her Drops.


Trials In Tainted Space Rival Episode

Zheng Shi

When encountering Feruze as a hostile on Zheng Shi, she is equipped with a Shield Aug Bracers, Salamander Pistol, and wears a Reaper Armaments Mark II Shield Generator and Poly-Chromatic Suit. Because Feruze's encounter here is considered a plot fight, it is impossible to flee from it.

Her combat actions on Zheng Shi include:

  • Laser Pistol - Double shot 2 burning attacks.
    • If this attack deals less than 3 points of damage due to the player's resistance stats, will not use this attack on subsequent turns
  • Tranq. Dart - Low accuracy; Low damage drug attack.
    • Only used when enemy shields are down.
    • Reduces Physique by 50% for the fight's duration.
  • Tail whip - Deals heavy electric crushing damage.
    • Has a chance to trip you
  • Activate Lust Drone - Deploys a hovering drone that deals psionic tease damage in addition to Feruze's own attacks.
    • Will always be her first move if she still has shields.
    • The drone deactivates after breaking Feruze's shield.
  • Face Sitting - Lust attack that does heavy lust damage and activates only after the player fails to get up after being tripped.
    • If Feruze gets to use this attack 3 times you automatically lose.

Trials Tainted Space Wiki


When defeated in combat on Zheng Shi, Feruze will drop 1337 Credits and her Shield Aug Bracers.


  • Pussy Licking - Feruze will sit on your face and use her exceptionally venomous pussy, lined with long and prehensile aphrodisiac laden stingers to inject her venom into your blood stream causing you to mindless tonguefuck her while experiencing several hands-free orgasms.
    • Requires Feruze to defeat the player while already sitting on their face.
  • Feruze Fuck - Feruze will pin you down in the Amazon Position before hungrily, humping away, at your pelvis. All the while, stinging you to multiple, unexpected orgasms.
    • Lose to Feruze without her sitting on your face.
  • Fuck Her Puss - 'Relieve yourself in the most tried and true method known to carbon-based life the universe.
    • Requires a penis

Trials In Tainted Space Rival Cheats

  • Scissor - Squeeze your crotch together with Feruze and rub cunts until you’re satisfied.
    • Requires a vagina
  • Big Titfuck - You might be too big to fit inside any of her orifices, but you’re pretty damned sure you could wrap yourself up in those big tits of hers for a good time.
    • Requires a penis surpassing Feruze's vaginal capacity.

Trials In Tainted Space Rival Crossword Clue


Trials In Tainted Space Rival

Aside from being encountered alongside the rival cousin for each pod retrieval, Feruze does not have any related quests so far.

Trials In Tainted Space Rival Cast

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